關於113工房 About Us

cropped-e69caae591bde5908d-5_e5b7a5e4bd9ce58d80e59f9f-1.png「113工房 | 113KOBO」品牌成立於2013年01月13日,品牌風格是尊重大自然、重視環保、善用天然材質,並以貼近生活的實用機能作為訴求,每件作品都以人為本,追求自然樸質的舒適觸感;利用簡約流暢的設計線條,呈現清新的視覺感受。


We believe that design’s raw material is life. we embrace a social ethos that makes products, using local material, skills and labor while providing fairs wages for fair work. Recycled materials are applied to make useful, unique, well-made quality goods of the highest standards. We believe that designing objects is not only about making objects to buy or sell, but reflects the ideas of the people who use and make them.

